
  • Laziz Bazarov Tashkent state transport university
  • Kamila Jurayeva Tashkent state transport university
  • Ivan Bedritskiy Tashkent state transport university
  • Mirkomil Mirasadov Tashkent state transport university


Ключевые слова:

electrical steel, saturated mode, magnetic characteristic, magnetization curve, approximation, incomplete polynomial of odd degree, least squares method, approximation error, ferromagnetic elements


It is made a comparison of functions approximating the main magnetization curve of electrical steels, selected according to two main criteria: obtaining the simplest expressions in an analytical study and achieving a minimum calculation error in quantitative calculations of devices with ferromagnetic components. The cases are considered when ferromagnetic elements in devices operate at alternating current and at high values of magnetic induction, that is, they are in a mode close to saturation, while the phenomena of hysteresis are usually neglected, and the main magnetization curve is used as the magnetic characteristic of the ferromagnetic element, it is shown, that when the devices operate in a saturated mode, an incomplete polynomial of n - degree  can be used for these purposes. It is proved that the errors when approximating by polynomials with degrees 9 and 11 give the smallest errors not exceeding 12 and 8% for components of devices based on cold-rolled steels, and errors not exceeding 13% when approximating by polynomials with degrees 3 and 5 for components of devices based on hot-rolled steels.

Биографии авторов

Laziz Bazarov, Tashkent state transport university

doctoral student, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,

Kamila Jurayeva, Tashkent state transport university


PhD, Associate Professor, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,

Ivan Bedritskiy, Tashkent state transport university

Doctor of Technical Sciences, associate professor, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,

Mirkomil Mirasadov, Tashkent state transport university

assistant teacher, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Bazarov, L., Jurayeva, K., Bedritskiy, I. ., & Mirasadov, M. (2022). APPROXIMATION OF MAGNETIZATION CURVES OF ELECTRICAL STEEL. Вестник КазАТК, 121(2), 274–281.



Автоматизация, телемеханика, связь, энергетика, информационные системы